Hello! I am a PHP and Laravel developer for almost 6 years now.
I've had plenty of experience building large SaaS applications and also not so large APIs, with a focus on performance, quality code and a lot of testing. I love using Pest but I don't mind plain PHPUnit!
I really enjoy tinkering with new stuff all the time and patching those pesky bugs that make us all go crazy!
My more recent professional projects include a complete rewrite & upgrade of a multi-tenant application built with Laravel 7/Blade/Alpine.js into Laravel 10/Vue.js 3/Inertia.js stack. Another is improving and optimizing an API that is consumed by both a React SPA, and a React Native offline-first multi-platform application. And finally, building an API for a cancer research application.
I also love to contribute to Open Source projects in my free time.