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Senior Fullstack Software Engineer (16yrs)

Photo of a Laravel Developer
Available now
Lowestoft, United Kingdom
(UTC+00:00) London

Online Presence

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  • Inertia.js
  • Alpine.js
  • Vue.js
  • Node.js
  • Livewire
  • Laravel Nova
  • Tailwind CSS
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • Pest
  • PHPUnit
  • Elasticsearch
  • Docker
  • nginx
  • Typescript
  • Apache
  • Laravel
  • AWS
  • DevOps
  • Terraform
  • Git
  • Packer
  • Ansible
  • Bash
  • Stripe

Last updated: March 25th 2024

Approved: March 25th 2024


  • C-level
  • Staff

Open to...

  • Part-time freelance
  • Full-time freelance
  • Mentoring
  • Collaboration

I’m a passionate and highly skilled full stack engineer and have been building complex web systems since 2007.

A lot of my time has been spent crafting my own products and services (which means I’ve worn all the hats of an engineer/marketer entrepreneur). I’ve also developed several highly complex multi-year projects for clients. As such my experience truly spans the full stack - from architecture and planning to deployment and production management, and everything in between. I'm based in the UK and would love to hop on a call to further understand your project.

My skill set is broad and deep, with a particular focus on PHP and TypeScript, with Laravel and Vue/Nuxt as my preferred frameworks.

My arsenal includes, but isn't limited to:

  • Laravel / PHP
  • VueJS / Nuxt / TypeScript / JavaScript
  • Livewire / Inertia
  • Tailwind / CSS / PostCSS / SASS
  • Bulma / SemanticUI
  • SQL / MySQL / Redis
  • AWS / Infra planning and management
  • Terraform / OpenTofu / Terragrunt
  • Docker / k8s
  • Ansible / Packer
  • Bash scripting
  • Git
  • Elasticsearch
  • Playwright / Cypress
  • Deployment management and best practices
  • … plus many more.

On top of that, I'm well-versed in AWS best practices for creating scalable and robust architectures and have built complex and robust tooling to achieve this.

I’m also a skilled UI designer with a penchant for clean and usable design. I have experience with lots of tooling here but my current choice is Figma for designing complex UIs and can show examples of my work.

I believe in the power of maintainable and clean code and take immense pride in how organised and readable my code is. I also advocate for comprehensive test suites and currently use Pest when writing my backend tests, and Playwright for e2e tests.

Some of my recent projects include:

Complex reverse auction platform for aviation professionals:

  • Multi-year build
  • Backend API built on Laravel
  • Frontend SPA using Vue and Nuxt
  • Solely built by me
  • Idea / product discovery
  • UI design
  • Architecture planning and modelling
  • Database design
  • Coding and development of complex systems
  • Deployment and ongoing management

Internal tool for testing processes

  • Designed as an internal tool for a large uk company for their operations team to trigger test-cases into an existing system for testing. Before I built this they were doing it manually. This tool saved countless hours and was well praised as easy to use and bug free.
  • Laravel, Inertia, Vue3, Typescript
  • Deployed on K8s cluster on AWS

Gatekeeper / Ingress system for high traffic system

  • This company had a need for an ingress system to handle applications coming from a third-party. It had to be extremely robust and thoroughly tested as it would be the sole point of ingress into a complex downstream micro-service system.
  • Designed and built by me and currently deployed and running successfully with no issues
  • Laravel, Inertia, Vue3, Typescript

Document Manager

  • This company needed a centralised system for managing internal and external files. Designed as a headless API to upload, search for and retrieve documents. On upload the document moved through a pipeline process including decrypting, virus scanning and optimising, before being stored in the cloud according to definable and configurable rules
  • Laravel

In regard to future work, my preference is large, greenfield, long-term projects. In this role I take ownership and really put my whole self into making the very best implementation of your idea, ofcourse always feeding back and being guided by your desires.

While my GitHub profile showcases some of my work, many of the projects I've developed are in private repositories. However, I'd be delighted to demonstrate and discuss any of my recent projects to highlight my commitment to extremely high-quality code.

If you've read this far, then I deeply appreciate it.

My final point touches upon hourly rates and experience. Should you need someone to quickly hack on some code and you don’t care about code quality or if it has bugs, then contracting a less experienced dev who charges a lower hourly rate might suffice. However, if you're seeking someone to thoroughly understand your project's requirements, design a well-architected and modelled system, and deliver highly readable and rigorously tested code that’s both a pleasure to read and work on, I could be the right man for the job. My hourly rate reflects nearly two decades of experience; an investment that translates directly into the quality of the product I build for you.

Looking forward to working together!