Where can you find Laravel Developers?

Everywhere, really!


  • The US individually has more developers on Laradir than any other country.
  • By regional counts however, Europe and Asia (plus Oceania) have two thirds of the total developers.
  • Generally speaking, the countries with the highest population in each region tend to have the most developers on Laradir as well.
  • The UK, India, Nigeria, the US and Brazil have the largest Laravel developer populations in North America, Asia, Europe, and South America, respectively.
  • There are still some gaps in Laravel developer representation, if you account for population size and tech ecosystems in some regions.
  • If you want to improve Laravel representation in your area, sign up to Laradir and join your local meetups and conferences (or start your own)

Laravel as a technology has helped developers all over the world. As such, we see developers in the community popping up from almost every country.

This is true too for Laradir, which has developers from every continent on the site.

This allows a bit of insight as to the distribution of Laravel developers globally.

Naturally, some regions have more developers than others. But by how much? What about developers in this region or that one?

Let's take a look at the data to see what we can find out!

This article is based on a user data snapshot from 5th August 2024.

Top 10 countries with the most Laravel developers

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the top 10 countries by developer count on Laradir are from either developed nations or countries with strong IT sectors.

This also lines up with some of the most popular Laravel events worldwide, such as Laracon US, Laracon India and Laravel Live events in Pakistan and the UK.

Continental distribution of Laravel developers

(Regions with <5% of the distribution were merged into the larger continental region dataset)

Taking the wider picture, the perception starts to change. Asia, Oceania and Europe collectively represent two thirds of the Laradir userbase!

Some of this can be explained by population size, in that Asia, Oceania and Africa represent a very large chunk of the human population overall. Among the technically-inclined population in those regions then, you'd definitely find more Laravel developers.

That being said, this doesn't explain the sizeable European userbase vs North America, as NA is usually much more represented in technical populations despite Europe having a larger population.

One potential explanation for this is that Laradir has reached more users in Europe through online channels.

Now let's take a look at a finer-grained distribution in each continent.

Continental breakdown by country


Asia & Oceania

Africa & Middle East

North America

South America


Generally following the population trend in each continent, the countries with the largest populations tend to have the largest amounts of Laravel developers on Laradir.

There are surprising amounts of developers coming from smaller countries you don't usually think of for their tech scene.

There are also some countries showing a smaller presence on Laradir than their population or economic size would suggest!

If you'd like to help improve Laravel representation in your area, there are two things you can do: